Some months have passed since the german IT news platform published an article reporting that password managers keep the passwords in memory unencrytped. Today I took the chance to make me my own picture of the problem. I used Keepass for my little Test. First, I created a new password database and protected it with a password. Step 1: Create a new encrypted password database Then I deleted the sample entries and created a new one with a certain password (password: "Hidden information 3214" ... whoops!). The result is, that the password is not shown in the Window. Step 2: Create an entry with a password Next, I copied the password over selecting the entry item in Keepass and pressing Ctrl+C and started a hex editor, HxD, to read out the process memory of Keepass (you could also read all processes memory). Step 3: Reading process memory of KeePass The last step was to search for a part of the password string (here: "Hidden in"). The resu...
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