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How To Set Up A Rock Pi S - Part 1: Basics

Update / Warning: Until now, I was not able to get this project working. So if You are looking for a working solution, this is none. Maybe You do not need to read the following part of this project, because they were written, before I figured out, that this will not work. As it turned out, the Rock Pi S cannot run Snips.ai any more (after a Kernel update to get the sound working).  (Original Article Starts Here) With the progress of my smart home assistant project , I finally found an adequate hardware with the possibility to connect up to eight microphones: the Rock Pi S from Radxa . What sounded like a promising small device turned out to be a little bit tricky. Inspired by an interesting  article of the german IT publisher heise.de , I decided to order a Rock Pi S for my project. So I took the version with 512 MB RAM, Bluetooth and WiFi (ordered at the at this time point only available store n Germany, maker-store.de ). After delivery and unboxing of the de...