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Posts mit dem Label "logic" werden angezeigt.

Text Mining 1 - The problem of propositional logic and natural languages

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is becoming more and more important. It is used to determine the meaning of something written (by a human being). And this is the reason, why it becomes more and more important. Because every day millions of humans write. They write comments on products they ordered, they write comments on facebook, the write their blog. Of course the industry wants their opinion about products, songs, ideas and everything else - just look at Facebook. Opinions are money. There is just (at least) one problem: How to catch this money in form of opinions? That's where Natural Language Processing is used. The first thing needed to process a (natural) language is a Parser. Most parsers process synthetic languagses such as programming languages and they have a defined syntax and a logical semantic. If the author of source code disregards the defined syntax or semantic, the parser will abort processing the code and throw an error. So the author of the code has to keep ...