This article also refers to my series of earlier articles regarding Project Sinos . Did you ever think about how you understand language? How do you manage to recognize the language from all the noises in the environment when someone speaks to you? Almost nobody thinks about it. But it becomes essential if you want to recognize speech electronically. Frameworks like CMU Sphinx may can take over the recognition of words and the formation of meaningful sentences. But permanently analyzing all noises of the environment brings miserable results. This is why smart speakers usually need to detect a Hot Word like "Alexa" or "Hey, Google". In case of cloud based smart speakers, they would also produce a huge amount of network traffic if sending permanently all noises to their decoding service. This shows the need for hot words. Well, how do you do that exactly? Hot Word Detection The simplest part is the detection of the Hot Word itself. You just need to detect the (alrea...
In order to get some distance from my current smart home project, I dealt with Java3D . I wanted to find out if it was possible to develop a 3D game with it. In theory, it should be possible to make a game using a 3D API based on OpenGL, like Java3D is. However, Java3D has a not unimportant catch: its complexity. Perhaps this is also the reason why there are so many beginnings and advances on the internet by some courageous developers who received little or no feedback on their projects. Many questions remained unanswered - on . I know Java3D is old. But that is precisely why one would have to find countless answers and examples on the Internet - especially about 3D games. But that is not the case. So why? When I started to investigate whether and how it is possible to develop an FPS, I always found the same examples , but never a coherent project. The basics of three-dimensional computer graphics are difficult to understand at the beginning. In addition, Java3D c...